Fnatic announced today that they were parting ways with Jabz, moving DJ to the position 4, and the acquisition of eyyou for their postion 5. This comes after a disappointing 3rd place finish at ESL One Thailand 2020: Asia, with iceiceice taking a break from competitive play. During the tournament Jabz swapped roles with DJ where he assumed a leadership role, giving the team better performance overall.

Jabz - copyright BTS
Fnatic had the following comment,
"Post-tournament, we discussed how should we move forward. It became clear to us that both Jabz and DJ perform better as position 4. Jabz also mentioned that he prefers playing position 4, therefore what we lack in our team is a true position 5.
After a thorough deliberation, Jabz and the management both decided that it is the best interest for us to mutually part ways and take this opportunity to work with a player that excels at position 5. Thus we came up with eyyou as vouched by DJ, Raven and our coach Lee "SunBhie" Jeong-jae.
We would like to thank Jabz for all his contributions in his 2 years with Fnatic, steering us towards numerous victories throughout his years under the black and orange banner. We wish him nothing but the best on his future steps and we hope to see him back in the servers soon."

eyyou joins Fnatic
The Fnatic roster as it stands: